Keynote Speaking

In addition to leadership development training, organizational development, change management and EOS® consulting, Apex Catalyst Group is available to speak to groups on 6 major topics – The (fun!) Neuroscience of Conversations: Building Trust and Getting Extraordinary Results, Emotional Intelligence in Leadership, Building Intentional People and Culture, Building Trust and Influence, Change Management, EOS: Are You Running Your Business, or is Your Business Running You?!. Our keynote speeches are for leaders at every career stage. They address such topics as change management strategies and tools. The goal of these talks is both to inspire audiences and to present useful and actionable insights to promote change.

At Apex Catalyst Group, we understand that real change can only happen when an audience is truly engaged, and our presentations are carefully structured to facilitate interaction and ensure understanding. Through our keynote speaking, Apex Catalyst Group is able to share essential concepts about purposeful leadership, individual empowerment, and healthy work environments.

Keynote Speaking Topics

The (fun!) Neuroscience of Conversations: Building Trust and Getting Extraordinary Results

Gain new insights from neuroscience to help you trigger trust, integrity, empathy, and good decision making in yourself and others.

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

In this fast-paced, info-packed, fun session you will understand where you are in the 15 emotional intelligence (EQ) skills and how to increase the Relationship Building EQ skill important to your career and becoming the leader you want to be.

Building Intentional People and Culture

Understand where your people are and where your organization is along the continuum of growth, disruption, and shared values.

Building Trust and Influence

Walk away with an understanding of how your emotional intelligence plays into your success as a leader.

Change Management

Come to this session to get an understanding of how your brain works, what your communication style is, and how you can more easily “flex” between the four styles to be an effective communicator and leader.

EOS: Are You Running Your Business, or is Your Business Running You?!

Walk away with a set of simple, practical tools you and your leadership team will use immediately to focus on priorities, get clear on issues and gain traction together, as a healthier leadership team.

See what some of our clients has to say about our Keynote Speeches.

“Sandi is a powerful yet warm and genuine speaker who provided our audience with practical insight through her thought-provoking session, ‘Equipping Leaders with Emotional Intelligence.’ Backed by statistics, research and real-world examples — including those humorous, yet all-too-real moments from her 25+ years of experience — Sandi offers her expertise into how to effectively equip successful people so they can become thriving leaders in their organization. In a world of complex interconnectedness, fast growth and never-ending change, This message couldn’t be timelier. This session is a must-have for leaders at every level, and I highly encourage any company to leverage Sandi’s expertise, and those of her Apex Catalyst Group team, if they’re truly committed to continuously improving and developing their people.”

~Angelique Rewers, The Corporate Agent