A Proven Approach to Leadership Development

The Apex Catalyst Group leadership development program is designed to empower individuals to be confident in their leadership, enabling them to create healthy work environments founded on trust, clear communication, and mutual support. We focus on helping leaders, their leadership teams, and the whole eco-system of their organizations to be more purposeful, more intentional, and have greater clarity in where they are going and how they are going to get there.

At Apex Catalyst Group, we believe exceptional leadership is attainable by anyone, given the right guidance and tools. No matter where you are in your career, you can benefit from our leadership development training program and tools, which build the type of skills required to excel as a leader. We offer one-on-one personalized executive and team coaching, training programs, and leadership masterminds to help you become the kind of inspirational and highly effective leader you’ve always wanted to be.

3 Ways We Work With Our Leaders

Executive Coaching

We work with top executives, managers, and other identified leaders to perform, learn, stay healthy and balanced, and effectively guide their teams to successfully reach desired goals and exceed individual and organizational expectations.

Training & Facilitation Programs

These seven programs focus on key areas of leadership development, including communication, emotional intelligence, culture, trust and influence, change management, strategy, and strategic business planning.

Leadership Masterminds

Join an intensive collective of leaders to improve your leadership skills. Network and grow alongside other leaders, understand and strengthen key leadership skills, and become the kind of inspirational and highly effective leader you’ve always wanted to be.

Executive Coaching

Executive coaching is assisting top executives, managers, and other identified leaders to perform, learn, stay healthy and balanced, and effectively guide their teams to successfully reach desired goals and exceed individual and organizational expectations. This enables leaders to unlock and unleash their full potential, so they bring greater value and abundance to the people and entities they serve.

Apex Catalyst Group uses the APEX – Awareness Performance & EXcellence™ – coaching framework to put leaders on the fast track to success. Leadership is about lifting up the people around you by having the courage, vision, passion, and smarts to give people what they need to succeed. We can help you become the kind of purposeful, inspirational and confident leader who creates abundance and ensures that everyone wins.

Training & Facilitation Programs

Apex Catalyst Group focuses on seven main areas of Leadership Development.

Communication Clarity and Alignment with Conversational Intelligence®

Imagine what could be possible if your organization was less stressed and more focused on achieving the vision for your business.

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

With greater emotional intelligence comes greater ability to effectively manage, lead, inspire, motivate, and influence others.

Building an Intentional Culture

Do you have a culture that encourages people to grow, to see opportunities for the organization and themselves to disrupt themselves, their competition, the industry?

Building Trust and Influence

This program helps you learn how to build trust so that people are willing to be a part of what you are trying to create in your organization, in your team.

Change Management

Apex Catalyst Group helps the leaders think through both sides of the equation, focusing a little more on the people as we find more companies are better at determining the tasks themselves.

Strategy – Vision, Values, Purpose

This program is designed to get clarity on where you are going and how you are going to get there.

Strategic Business Planning

Through engaging interactive sessions, a leadership team can map out a clear and compelling direction for the organization, and agree on powerful strategies to pursue shared goals.

Leadership Mastermind

Are you ready for your leadership and career to take off?

Apex Catalyst Group is launching the Women in Travel Leadership Mastermind for Executive and Senior Travel Leaders in 2020.

It is no secret that women traditionally are a smaller part of the executive leadership groups in the travel industry. And because of that, we are providing you with a platform to elevate your leadership. Are you interested in learning how to thrive in our fast-paced environment? How you can become even more successful as a woman leader in the travel industry?

This 12-month interactive mastermind, running from September 2020 to August 2021, is designed for women in senior leadership positions in the travel industry (aviation, hospitality, reservations, etc).

  • Be part of a tight group of women leaders across the globe, growing leadership skills, business and organizational skills.
  • We will focus on topics such as communication, decision making, influence, strategic thinking, time management, building high performing teams, and more.
  • You’ll participate in two live retreats, two virtual retreats, monthly live calls, and have accountability partners.

Find out if the Leadership Mastermind is right for your team.

See what our clients have to say about our leadership development programs.